E. C. Prop Rentals
11846 Sherman Way | North Hollywood, CA 91605 | 818.764.2008
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Accordion Gates
Air Compressors
Air Conditioner: Rooftop,
Residential / Commercial
Air Conditioner:
Window / Hotel / Motel
Air Hoses; Straight and Coiled
Airport Runway Lighting
Airport Seating; Molded Plastic
Alarm Boxes; Business and Residential
All Lighting Fixtures
All Signs
Ammo Cases
Animal Cages; Single and Multi Units
Antenna, Rooftop
Anvil Cases
Apartment Call Boxes
Asian Signs
Attache Cases
Auto Repair Signs
Auto, Truck, and Tractor Tires
Automotive Battery Testing Machines
Automotive Diagnostic Machines
Automotive Droplights
Automotive Fan Belts and Racks
Automotive Jacks; "Bottle" Style
Automotive Jacks; Hydraulic 5-ton Style
Automotive Parts; Body & Engine Parts
Automotive Ramps
Automotive/Garage Signs
Automotive Tire Racks
Barbecue Grills
Ballot Box
Barrels, Crash
Barrels, Steel Drum - 55 Gallon
Barrels, Wine
Barricades; w/ Flashing Lights
Barricades; Crowd Control
Barricades; K-Rails
Barricades; Military Checkpoint
Barrier Curtains
BBQ Grills
Benches; Bus Stop
Benches; Jail
Benches; Locker Room
Benches; Park
Benches; Sports Sideline Style
Billboard Lights; Var Sizes and Styles
Bins - Recycling; Crate Style and 2-Wheel Style
Biohazard Signs
Block & Tackle; Var Sizes/Conditions
Boilers, Mock; Castered
Bottles; Cleaning Supply
Boxes of Paperwork
Breaker Boxes; Aged/Distressed
Breaker Boxes; Stainless Steel
Breathing Apparatus; Wall & Backpack
Bulletin Board Cases; Metal and Wood
Bulletin Boards / Kiosk
Bus Shelters
Bus Stop/Bus Station Seating
Bus Station Signs
Cabinet, Fireproof
Cabinet, Paint
Cabinet, Storage
Cable, Steel
Call Boxes; Emergency, Freeway
Candy Cane Pole Street Lights
Cans for Garage Dressing
Cans, Paint; Var Sizes
Car, Truck, and Tractor Tires
Carnival String Lights
Cases; Anvil & Road Boxes
Cases; Military & Ammo
Cases; Shipping & Storage
Ceiling / Wall Mount Lights
Cement Mixers
Chain Hoist Crane Units
Chain Hoists
Chain Link Fence Sections
Chain Saws
Chain; Var Sizes/Lengths, Real & Mock
Chairs; Stools
Chairs; Swivel
China Hat Lights; Var Sizes and Styles
Christmas Tree Lot String Lights
Clean Trash; In Bags
Cleaning Supply Bottles
Clocks; Wall-Mount, Single/Dual Faced
Coat/Hat Racks; Wall Mount/Freestanding
Compost Bins
Compressors; Air
Computer / Control Towers
Construction Grade Lights
Construction Hand Tools
Construction Power Tools
Construction Signs
Construction Steam Vents - Striped
Construction Vent Tubes
Containers; Wire Mesh & Plastic
Conveyor Belts, Electric and Manual
Coronavirus Signs
Courthouse Signs
COVID-19 Signs
Crates; Milk, Var Sizes
Crates; Vegetable, Var Sizes
Crates; Wood, Var Sizes/Styles
Crosswalk Lights
Curtains, Freezer
Dance Mirrors
Delineators; Traffic, Construction, and Parking Lot
Desk Lamps
Desktop Items; Staplers/Rolodexes/etc.
Dimmer Boards
Drill Presses; Floor and Benchtop
Drinking Fountains; Wall Mount and Freestanding
Drums; Cardboard and Fiberboard
Drums; Round, Metal/Plastic, Var
Drums; Round, With Hand Pumps
Drums; Square, Metal
Ducting; Rooftop and Exposed Ceiling, Var Sizes and Lengths
Dumpsters; 2 and 3 Cubic Yard Style
Electric Box; Curbside
Electric Box; Outdoor
Electric Meter Panels; Large
Electric Meters; With and Without Breaker Boxes
Electric Stations
Electric Vehicle Accessories
Electrical Cable
Electrical Panels/Switches
Electron Microscope
Electronic Control Boxes; Var Sizes and Styles
Electronic Control Panels; Var Sizes and Styles
Electronic Control Towers; Var Sizes/Styles
Electronic Stations
Emergency Call Box
Engine Hoists
Engine Stands
Engine; Both Mock and Real
Entry Call Boxes
Entry/Exit Signs
European Signs
EV Charging Station
Exhaust Fans
Eye Wash Stations; Wall Mount
Eye Wash/Shower Stations; Freestanding
Factory Dressing
Factory Signs
Fans; Box Style
Fans; Desktop
Fans; Exhaust
Fans; Floorstanding
Fence Sections; Chain Link
Fence Sections; Wrought Iron
File Boxes of Paperwork
Filing Cabinets
Fire Alarm Bells
Fire Axes
Fire Cabinet
Fire Extinguishers; W/ & W/out Boxes
Fire Hoses; With and Without Boxes
Fire Hydrants
Fire Pulls
Fire Related Signs
First Aid Cabinets/Kits
First Aid Signs
Flagpole; Freestanding & Wall Mount
Flood Lights
Fluorescent Lights; 2', 4', and 8'
Fountains, Drinking; Wall Mount and Freestanding
Freeway Call Box Set-Up
Freeway Crash Barrel
Freeway Guard Rails
Freeway Signs
Freezer Barrier Curtains
Front Gate Intercoms
Furnaces; Mock, Castered
Fuse Boxes; Modern and Period
Gantry Cranes
Garage Dressing
Gardening Equipment
Gas Cans; Var Sizes
Gas Meters
Gas Station Signs
Gate Valve Units; Horizontal Standing, Var
Gate Valve Units; Vertical Standing, Var
Gate Valves; Var Sizes and Lengths
Gear Wheels
Government Property Signs
Grinders; Floor-Standing & Benchtop
Guard Rails; Safety
Guard Shacks; All Castered
Gym Signs
Hand Rails/Railings
Hand Tools; All Sizes and Conditions
Hard Hats and Vests
Halogen Lights
Hampers; Gym/Locker Room
Hat/Coat Racks; Wall Mount and Freestanding
Hazardous Location Lights; Var Mount
Heaters; Floorstanding and Tabletop
Heaters; Wall Mounted
High Voltage Signs
Hospital Signs; Exterior / Interior
Hotel Style Air Conditioners
Hybrid Vehicle Accessories
Jail Bars
Jail Benches
Jail Bunks/Beds
Jail Phones
Jail Signs
Jail Toilets; W/ and W/O Sink
Jail Visitation Table
Janitor Carts
Janitorial Signs
Jars for Garage Dressing
Key Boxes; Wall Mount
Keypads; Wall Mount and Freestanding
Kiosk / Bulletin Board
Knaack-Style Job Boxes
Knife Switches/Levers
Laboratory Signs
Laboratory Items
Laboratory Station; Classroom
Ladders; Rooftop Access
Ladders; Var Styles/Materials
Ladders; Warehouse, Var Sizes/Colors
Landscaping Equipment
Laundry Carts
Laundry Lines
Laundry Room Sinks
LED Lights
Lighting Fixtures; All
Lights; Airport Runway, Var Styles/Colors
Lights; Billboard, Var Sizes and Styles
Lights; Candy Cane Pole Street Lights
Lights; China Hat, Var Sizes and Styles
Lights; Cobra Head Street Lights
Lights; Construction Grade
Lights; Crosswalk
Lights; Desk Lamps
Lights; Flood
Lights; Fluorescent, 2', 4', and 8'
Lights; Halogen
Lights; Hazardous Location, Var Mount
Lights; LED
Lights; Medical
Lights; Parking Lot
Lights; Rotating Beacon
Lights; Runway / Tarmac
Lights; Spotlights
Lights; String Lights
Lights; Surgical
Lights; Traffic, Var Sizes
Lights; Vapor, Var Styles/Colors
Lights; Wall / Ceiling Mount
Lights - Warehouse Bay
Lights - Wet Location Fluorescent
Lights - Work
Liquid Storage Containers
Various Sizes & Styles
Loading Dock Signs
Locker Room Benches
Locker Room Signs
Lockers; Bus Station
Lockers; Pro Sports Style
School & Gym Style
Lunch Boxes and Thermos'
Machine Signs
Mail Carts
Mailboxes; Apartment Style
Mailboxes; Residential
Manuals; Hard and Soft-Cover
Meat Hooks
Medical Lights
Metal Detector; Walk Through
Metro Racks / Shelves
Microscope, Electron
Military Cases
Milk Crates
Plastic - Wood - Metal
Mirror; Dance
Mirrors; Jail and Restroom
Missile Containers; Var Sizes
Monster Switches
Motorcycle/ATV Jacks
Nitrogen Tanks
No Smoking Signs
Notebooks; 3 Ring Binder Style
Office Signs
Oil Cans/Bottles; 1 qt. and 1 gal.
Open/Closed Signs
Paint Cans; 1 pt., 1 qt., 1 gal., and Spray
Paint Locker
Paint Thinner Cans
Paint Tools/Supplies
Pallet Jacks
Pallets; Wood and Plastic
Park/Playground Signs
Parking Lot Arms
Parking Lot Lights
Parking Signs
Parts Organizers
Picnic Table/Bench Units; Fiberglass and Aluminum
Pipe/Conduit; Metal, Var Lengths and Widths
Pipe/Conduit; PVC, Var Lengths and Widths
Police Station Signs
Portable Toilet
Power Plant
Prison Signs
Produce Crates; Var Sizes
Propane Tanks; Var Sizes
Public Address Control Unit
Radiators; Residential
Razor Wire; Mock
Real Estate Signs
Recycling Bins; Crate Style and 2-Wheel Style
Restaurant Sinks
Restricted Area Signs
Restroom Signs
Road Boxes
Road Signs
Rooftop Access Ladders
Rooftop Air Conditioners; Var Sizes and Styles
Rooftop Solar Panels
Rooftop Swamp Coolers; Var Sizes and Styles
Rooftop TV Antenna
Rooftop Vents and Turbines; Var Sizes and Styles
Rope; Var Sizes and Lengths
Rotating Beacon Lights; Var Styles / Globe Colors
Runway / Tarmac Lights; Var Styles / Globe Colors
Saws; Table/Chop/Band/etc., Freestanding/Tabletop/Handheld
Safety Cones
Safety Railings
Satellite Dishes
Scientific Items
Scientific Tanks
Scissor Gates
School Signs
Scoreboard; Electronic Basketball Style
Security Booths
Security Cameras
Security Gates
Server Towers
Shelving; All Metal, Var Sizes
Shelving; All Wood, Var Sizes
Shelving; Metal with Wood Shelf Tops, Var Sizes
Shelving; Pallet Rack Style, Var Sizes
Shipping Containers
Sign Posts; Var Sizes and Styles
Signs; All
Sinks; Commercial & Industrial
Sinks; Utility & Residential
Slop Sinks
Smudge Pots
Solar Panels
Spanish Signs
Speakers; Variety of Sizes and Styles
Sprinkler Heads; W/ and W/O Cages
Spools, Wooden
Stainless Steel Kitchen Sinks
Stainless Steel Tables
Stainless Steel Tanks
Steam Vents; Orange/White Striped, Var Lengths and Widths
Steel Cable
Storage Cabinets
Storage Containers
Storage Lockers
Street Lights
Street Signs
Street Repair Signs
String Lights
Surgical Lights
Swamp Coolers
Swivel Chairs
Tables; Jail Visitation
Tables; Office/Utility
Tables; Stainless Steel
Tables; Workshop
Telephone Pole Crossbars
Telephone Pole Transformers
Telephone Poles
Telephones; Desktop and Wall Mount, Var Styles and Colors
Telephones; Jail/Prison
Ticket Booths
Tires; Auto, Truck, and Tractor
Toll Booth Signs
Toll Booths; All Castered
Tool Boxes; Metal and Plastic
Tool Carts; Castered
Tool Cases; Plastic
Tool Chest Sets; Castered
Tool Sets; Complete in Plastic Cases
Tools; All Varieties/Conditions
Traffic Cones
Traffic Lights; Var Sizes
Traffic Signs
Transformers; Var Sizes
Trash - Clean
Trash Bags - Filled
Trash Bins - Recycling
Trash Cans; Galvanized/Plastic/Metal
Trash Cans; NY Style Wire Mesh
Trophies; Var Sizes
Trophy Cases
TV Antenna
Utility Boxes; Street
Utility Sinks
Valet Stand
Vapor Lights; Var Styles / Globe Colors
Vegetable Crates; Var Sizes
Vises; Freestanding and Benchtop
Voting Machine
Wall / Ceiling Mount Lights
Wall Mounted Air Conditioner
Warehouse Bay Lights; Var Styles
Warehouse Ladders
Water Bottles; 5 gal., Glass and Plastic
Water Dispensers
Water Fountains; Wall Mount and Freestanding
Water Tanks; Large
Welding Curtains
Welding Gloves/Masks/Aprons
Welding Tank Hoses and Torches
Welding Tanks; With and Without Carts
Wet Location Fluorescent Lights
Window Unit Air Conditioners
Wine Barrels; W/ Racks for Laying Horizontal
Wire Metro Racks / Shelves
Wooden Spools
Work Lights
Work Benches / Work Tables
Wrought Iron Fence Sections
Yard Tools